Monday, March 8, 2010

Retards, Geniuses, Blacks and Europeans. Words and the real meanings we ascribe to them.

If one were to say, "there are a lot of retards in this restaurants" we would automatically think that person is an asshole for making such a rude remark.

If the same person were to say, "there are a lot of geniuses in this restaurant" we wouldn't think much of the comment because society says being a retard is bad and undesireable and being a genius is a good thing.

Replace retards and geniuses with blacks and Europeans.

If the same person says, "that place has a lot of black people" we would think this person is a racist, but if this same person were to say, "that place has a lot of Europeans" we wouldn't think much of it.

The reason? Because society labels being, "black" as a bad thing. Same with the term, "Mexican". In the dictionary these words are just used to describe a person's ethnic and racial background, but in reality these words have ascribed meanings attached by society.

It's good to be European, it's good to be thin, it's good to be tall so you can talk about these groups without someone accusing you of making fun of this group. But if you talk about blacks, Mexicans, fat people, retards and Jews you're automatically thought of as an asshole since it is assumed you're making fun of this group since this group isn't, "desireable".

"I work with a bunch of Mexicans" vs "I work with a bunch of Swedes"

So the next time some liberal faggot vegan white guy corrects you for not being politically correct in your language, punch him in the mouth. He deserves it for being a undercover racist.

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