Monday, May 18, 2009

Banned from Yelp

Well it's about time. I received this email from the staff at yelp stating my account has been closed. I was kind of wondering how long it would take for me to get banned. To my surprise it took quite a long time. I must have verbally assaulted/pissed off so many people there. I guess the good folks at yelp finally had enough. I must say though the staff at yelp are pretty lenient. I've been banned from so many online communities and it's usually very fast. I guess people from San Francisco are much more tolerant.

Some members of yelp expressed interest in reading my reviews. In the next couple of days I will be posting up my old yelp reviews here on this blog since the reviews aren't on yelp anymore due to the account closure.

Below is the letter I received from a gentleman by the name of Kris. Kris is a staff member at yelp at he was charged with notifying me of the unfortunate actions that had to take place.

I'm writing to let you know about our decision to close your account. Your user account was flagged by the Yelp community, and our Support team has determined that your account has violated Yelp’s Terms of Service (, specifically for repeated Talk and Review Guidelines violations.
While we don't provide additional details about account closures, please know that we review every situation with great attention and take this matter very seriously.

Yelp User Support

1 comment:

  1. There are a good number of Yelp users that were sad to see you go. There's actually a thread started up discussing your departure.

    If it was your goal to get kicked out, well, at least you went down in a blaze of glory and made a few people laugh (with you, not at you)
